Thursday, June 20, 2013

Objectiveness Without Objectification

Fuck yeah, EQUALITY!
Can't we all just get along?

I received quite the amount of positive feedback regarding my article on girl gamers and discussion on gender related issues. I'd like to think that it's due to my skill in being able to write in a way that people can sort of understand, but I think it's probably more likely that it's because I try to remain as unbiased as possible when approaching such topics. I try to think and write, objectively rather than subjectively, and only add personal experience where and when necessary to the information being provided. Unfortunately some so-called main stream video game and entertainment sites do just the opposite of that. They insert their opinions and tried to pass them off as facts. I don't much care for this as I can sense bullshit from a mile away. I also don't appreciate people's agendas driving their information when it should be the other way around. You should write around facts, not try to make the information suit your needs. In most instances, and with what I'm getting at here, that need is to write a sensationalist article to stir up people's emotions for monetary gain while at the same time reinforcing unhealthy stereotypes with no intent to be helpful whatsoever.

Case and point; Someone pointed out this article to me earlier today. Oh look, it's the same issues as before, not a big surprise. I won't deny that sexism exists, as it does and has for thousands of years, but it doesn't mean that you have to take it lying down (heheh, see what I did there?). It works both ways. Everyone hates everyone for something, we know that. It's not limited to just gender, but also social status, culture, location, species, etc. The list goes on and on. I've already discussed the issues regarding gender and stuff, so go read my other article if that's what you're looking for. I'll address this particular article later. The rest of this is going to be to discuss the integrity of articles like this and how they effect the masses who don't know that they're being driven by their emotions brought on by toxic, biased as hell, stories from less than trustworthy sources.

Hello, I am a human. I listen to all of the things.
How much of what you read on the internet do you believe to be true? Really think about that for a minute. There are obvious fake stories that float around that are there for the sake of entertainment, and those are easily passed off as false information. Now what about "legit" sources? How do YOU define legit? Is something more believable because someone else said it? Is it more believable because you respect or trust someone? Does that mean that it MUST be true? How often do you think critically as opposed to letting something seem true enough because it just happens to match your opinion on a particular topic? Are you afraid to question logic? Where do you get your news? Do you think that since the majority goes there, that they're that much more credible? They aren't. No one is. It's an elaborate illusion carefully constructed by their marketing department. Influence is a hell of a drug, and the media is your dealer.

Let me break it down for those who don't know. Websites, particularly big media sites, exist not only to share information (true or not) but also to rake in mad ad revenue. Dolla dolla bill y'all. They do this with clicks, page views, online shops, and more. They all do it for the money, it's a job, it's how they make their living. Sometimes big names get paid off to endorse a product, service, or agenda, whether it's right or not is subjective. That's why it's up to you, dear consumer, to go into reading all articles with a sceptic yet open mind. Some articles are very informative and helpful, while others might just be disguising themselves for another purpose. It's up to you to decide that what you're reading is or is not true. It's not about the source of the information, who says what and all that, it's about how you perceive that information and what you do with that information. So how do we go about reading or seeing things more objectively?

Uh, wrong brain...
Well, let's start with the source of what makes us feel that we should justify falsehoods as truth in the media. For one, there's cognitive dissonance. It's a psychological term referring to this thing that happens on a subconscious level where you have two thoughts or beliefs happening at the same time and your brain doesn't know how to deal with it. On the conscious thinking level, it manifests itself as fear, anxiety, irritability, etc, all of which we try to rid ourselves of as soon as possible. For most people, it's the easy route, which is just sticking to what they know. If another thought or fact comes into play, many people have a hard time accepting the truth for what it is. This is where we get the term 'ignorance is bliss'. Sometimes the truth is hard to handle, but isn't learning and growing what life is all about? What we really ought to do is understand underlying factors and look at each piece of information objectively. Take your thoughts, see them as they are (only thoughts) and pick at them until you find the right answer. It won't hurt to try it some time.

Throw away the ego too, it's unnecessary, and only adds to the problem. Some people might jump on the bandwagon because of social influence, that's fine too, just know that no one really cares about your opinion. That might be hard for some people to grasp, but read the above paragraphs again if you missed it the first time. It's all in your head, only you can decide what true and what's not, based on your evidence and facts. Fear, anxiety, oh! And hopelessness! That's the one I was forgetting. You see, you might know what the truth is but then turn away because it puts you in a situation that feels hopeless, or bad, or whatever. The truth is never a bad thing and you should always think for yourself, regardless of how it makes you feel. You are the master of your own emotions, don't let them veer you off the path of seeking the truth. To take on a critical mind, you must not only question your sources of information, but also yourself. Only good things can come of it. 

Your article; Cute, but still a pile of shit
So I suppose you want my opinion now on that article that got me going today. Well, the way I see it, it's an issue that's already been addressed. Many times, from many sources, from many angles. Who was in the wrong there? The men because they were invading the space of the women and being rude? Or the women for bitching about it and not defending themselves when they had every right to do so? Or maybe it's the website who is at fault for putting the blame more towards one gender than the other to perpetuate gender-biased hatred, and then offering no solutions. It's a sensationalist pile of garbage. Was anyone killed, raped, or otherwise irreparably injured? No? So no real harm done then, other than on an emotional bitch-bitch-cry-cry level. Oh, it happened in the gaming industry, what makes that special again?  Oh, it doesn't? I see. So what was the point of this? I'm guessing to get people riled up so they'd share the article via social outlets. Well, it worked. Hope you're happy, you pitiful excuse for a game site. Hope you do something real special for the community with that extra money lining your pocket.

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