Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mel the gamer girl Q&A #1

where videos are made

Here are some questions that were submitted by some awesome people that follow me around on facebook.

What got you into gaming?

Friends, time, boredom, I couldn't really say what for certain. I've been playing video games for as far back as I can remember. I was born around a time when there was a revolution in gaming I think. I got to see the transition of 8-bit to 16-bit and so on. In gaming a lot happened in such a seemingly short amount of time. To see so much change, and how awesome games can be, not to mention the variety (there's something for everyone), really kept things fresh and interesting for me. I think that gaming has really come a long way and it's still moving forward, even if a bit slow. I can't wait to see where it goes from here. So long as there's games, I'll play 'em.

worst games you ever played?

Too good of a question to pass up even though it's been asked time and time again. It seems that for every 10 shitty games, there is 1 good game, sometimes it's a great game. But there are indeed, quite a few really shitty games. I don't even know where to start. So I'll just go over the ones that come to me first. #1 has to be Penguin wars for the original gameboy. I discussed this game in the very first episode of Mel the Office Gamer Girl. You choose a character and toss a ball around. That's it. The graphics are terrible and music loops over and over and over again with loud screeching noises after every round. It's really bad, I wouldn't recommend it, nor would I recommend any of the other games in this article. The next couple of games that suck are on the NES. When someone mentions terrible NES games the first 2 that come to mind are chubby cherub and Athena. Both of these games suck, like really really suck. They suck so much that I'm not even going to bother putting it into words. If you've played these games before, I'm sorry. If you haven't, don't. Let's see, there's Where's Mario, but that one's been beaten to death. I'm so flustered at the very thought of these games that the rest of this article is going to have to wait for another time after I regain composure from this undesired fit of rage.

What do you think about the Zelda timeline?

It gives me a headache. There's too much going on there. What I want to know is how did all the minor characters become so popular? Also, why doesn't Zelda have her own game? I mean, where you can play as Zelda? (smash bros. Doesn't count) Princess peach has her own game...

Cell shading vs. Polygons?

Oh my how I love cell shading. I think that they could make a shitty new game that was cell shaded and I would still play it just for the visual bliss I experience when seeing those solid lines and smooth colors. But it's not something that should be over used. If every game looked like that then it would no longer be special. Not to me anyways. Entirely cell shaded games are few and far between and I hope that it stays that way because it's a very special style and should be reserved for special games.

Thanks everyone!

Thanks to everyone who sent in questions last week, or the week before, or whatever. Keep sending them in! I will try to answer your question in my next Q&A.
Thanks for reading, thanks for watching!

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