Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Questions requiring Answers

Every once in a while I like to do little Q&A things for this site. People want to know things! So I share the things! Here are some of the questions asked by amazing people via my facebook page. I'll answer them in the order which they were received. I hope this doesn't get out of hand...

Q: Will you marry me?
A: No, no I will not. That escalated quickly. Haha. Seriously though, aside from me not knowing you at all, I believe that marriage is a dated institution. No matter how long a relationship, I don't think marriage is necessary.

Q: Do you know the muffin man?
A: Not personally. I'm pretty sure I've eaten his relatives though.

Q: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
A: (approx.) 24 mph for the European swallow, apparently. You know how to use google, right?

Q: When is cheese yet?
A: Uh...When aged while?

Q: When will the debut of MEWS take place?
A: For those that haven't been following my posts on the ol' Facebeast, I've been working on a new video series called "Mel eats weird stuff". It's where myself and friends eat strange and unique foods from around the world, some good, some bad. I was going to do a formal post here, but since it's been asked I may as well just let you know now. MEWS will be debuting some time early next month, probably. Maybe even before then. I wanted to time the release with the episode of the web series "Wreckless Eating" where I was a guest for the main show. We ate some pretty terrible stuff. In addition to my show doing food reviews, there will also be trips to local foreign shops, events, and even cooking tutorials. I hope you all tune in to see what's cookin'!

Q: Have you ever played Metal Arms: Glitch in the System?
A: Nope. 

Q: Would you ever do the Harlem Shake?
A: Yes, yes I would. The real question should be, would Sammy (the hedgehog) do the Harlem Shake? I don't think he has many friends so I'm not sure how that might work. 

Q: Which is your favorit pixal art that u have done?
A: This is tough because I've done so many, with various applications. I'd have to say that I really enjoy doing the kirby power-up panels. I think the rustic "MIX" power up pixel art was neat. I also like that Amigo sprite that I made recently. No one bought it, but I kind of wanted to keep it for myself anyways. It's a win-win. On the other hand, my favorite piece of game-related art work I've done was my Katamari Damacy painting entitled "The Smallest Prince", followed closely by those Okami Den brush-god figures that I made. I sold them as a set. Recently I learned how to make molds for the clay that I use so I might end up making a bunch more of them in the near future. 

Q: Ever get turned on sexually by a game or a specific character?    
A: GIANT FIGHTING ROBOTS j/k. This question is funny, because the answer is no, because they are not real. There aren't that many video game characters that are that attractive...wait, I take that back...Snake is hot...Wesker is also hot. Hmmm...that's all I can think of for right now. I don't usually think of game characters like that. Haha. 
edit: Also, Pyramid Head...

Q: Out of the next gen consoles and looking at prices and specs etc, do you think that PC gaming is a making a comeback as the forerunner of the market?
A: Absolutely! The console market has really been dropping the ball as of lately. I think that right now, they're in a position where they're running around, not sure what to do. They keep playing the market like it's the same that it was 10 years ago, which it isn't. They need to stop focusing on their hardware as much, and get back to making games. I think that Sony and Nintendo should stop making consoles, and just stick to games. I think that Microsoft doesn't need another console. I think that it would be much simpler if there were just one universal gaming console, the PC gets pretty close with the exception of exclusives of course. Maybe if there were just one, ever growing console, we might be able to see some better games. The people will choose what games succeed and fail, not the companies that make them and pour too much into their marketing campaigns while their product suffers. 

Q: What do you love most about food?
A: Flavours! Seriously, the phrase "variety is the spice of life" is completely 100% true when applied to food. You need food to survive, so why not make it one of the most enjoyable things imaginable? You know, since you're going to be eating anyways. Every new food is a new experience. I think that's what I find so exciting about it. What do I love most about food? That it's food!

Q: Mel The Office Gamer Girl: The Game...would it be platform, RPG, or sandbox? And what would the premise be?
A: It would be a education game/simulator. You would go around finding characters from obscure games and reuniting them with their creators, then going around telling people about said games. Conversational bits with each of the characters would determine the outcome of their part of the story depending on how you answer questions, etc. There would be mini games based on those games/characters. You could also go to an arcade in-game to play some classics. There would also be some mini games involving food with mini history lessons and cultural trivia attached. I think there would also be some tools like a notepad for taking notes (on games, food, etc), a sketch book for the hell of it, and a system where you could stamp off each of the games you've played or foods you've eaten. Also, there would be patterns included for bead spriting, because I said so. This game would probably be on a handheld system or see a small release cross-platform.    

Q: If you were an 8bit character who would you be? 
A: Dry bones. You can smash me all you want but I'll still get back up.

Q: What do you think cultivated your love of cooking?
A: Well, growing up, I didn't get the chance to eat a lot of different foods. My 'family' (if you could even call it that) grew up poor. Food bank food is no good, and you'd have to get creative with it. When I was in middle school is when I started working. I used the money I earned to purchase ingredients to work with, mainly because I was curious to what I'd been missing out on. It was also around that time that I found an interest in Asian cultures and cuisine. I would check out books from the library and try the recipes that I found to see if they were any good. They were! Later on I met a lot of wonderful people, including exchange students that became some of my best friends back then. I was one of those nerds that would get picked on a lot at school and so, you know, those types of kids usually end up sticking together. I learned a lot from them and some of them even taught me how to cook some of the dishes I know today. Ever since then I've always enjoyed food, cooking, and new flavours, it's only now that I'm getting to share that with anyone who wants to share the experience. :)

Thanks to everyone who asked questions! If you have additional questions you'd like answered, send 'em to

Also, if you dig my pixel art, be sure to grab a piece over at Pixel Art Paradise.

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