Friday, February 18, 2011

Mel the Office Gamer Girl Endings

Games should have endings

game that ends
Too many games, not enough time. If you really love games then why the hell would you invest weeks, months, or even years in the same game? It's something that I just can't wrap my head around. I enjoy playing a game, beating it, and moving on to the next one. Not only do you get to experience the game in it's entirety, you get a sense of closure when you finish a game. Now I don't have a problem with MMOs or endless casual games, or the people that play them, but why spend so much time on the same game? Is it that the game is really that enjoyable as a whole, or are you just another victim of operant conditioning? In classic conditioning experiments done with animals, they got a treat, food, when they did whatever it was that they were trained to do. That's something tangible. When it comes to videogames, you get that little bit of joy when you beat a boss, find a so-called "rare" item, but that's not physical, it's all in your head. There's no real gain from spending so much time on a single game, that is unless you've figured out a way to sell accounts and not get caught. In that case, I would gladly pay you to tell me how you do it so I could do it too. Now I've played a couple of MMOS before, but I couldn't bring myself to play for more than a couple of hours in single week because I'm the type of person that needs variety. Sure there's downloadable content, different quests, and whatever else, but it still lacks the variety that you get with finishing and ending a game and moving on to the next one. Whatever your flavor of game, just remember that variety is the spice of life and everything is good and well if in moderation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm kinda in the same boat as you, Mel. I played WoW for a little while but when I got to level 20 it just got boring for me and I honestly didn't see the point of it anymore. It's the same old "collect this amount of carcasses to this many amount of people in this amount of time". But some people like that kind of thing, I just can't get into it like that.
