Friday, August 31, 2012

Culture vs Community

It is a tired discussion, but again rears the ugly head of the division of people whom share a common interest; Gaming. Gamers, video games, nerd culture in general has become what's known as geek chic. That's just the thing though, there is no "culture". Gamers, nerds, and the like are part of a vast community. I don't know who coined the term "Gamer Culture", but they deserve a swift kick to the face. I mean, I can imagine who came up with the idea...It's a marketing ploy. That's all that it is. Nothing more, nothing less. This guy wrote a blog post explaining why it is not a culture a while back. I'd like to talk a little bit more about the subject.

Firstly, you are a programmed consumer and a consumer society, programmed to consume. Is that clear enough for you? You will consume entertainment in whatever form it comes it because that's what you're told to do. Movies, Television, Music, Comics, Video Games. They are all part of the same, and though some may actually genuinely enjoy these things, in the mainstream they all serve the same purposes; To gain profit for the companies that distribute them, and to pacify the masses so that they don't have time nor the intellect to think about more critical matters. There are some exceptions to this, those of us who enjoy games for the art aspect, the creativity, the expression, and also those that use it as a valid form of escapism, or as a tool to keep themselves out of trouble. In these instances, it can be a good thing.

But let's get back to the topic at hand, "gamer culture". Last night I was having a discussion with my man about his disdain for the current popularity of the proposed gamer culture. It started out with general game chat. "Games these days," he proceeded to say, "are purchased because they are popular, no one really cares about quality anymore. That's why I find myself playing more indie games. What happened to games and developers that gave a shit about the quality of games they put out?". We continued to rant about the current state of the gaming industry in general. Then I was at my desk working on pixely goodness when I get a message pop up on facebook. It was my man in the other room, and the message was a long rant about how retro gaming has become a popular thing and how many people are posers, and blah blah. I didn't think much of it at first because it's a tired argument, as stated. But then he walked into the room he started it "I don't mean to sound like an elitest," "go on..." "but what the fuck man?" I questioned where this was going.

He went on to explain what I had already known, that nostalgia and retro anything that was geeky back in the day are now the new cool, now marketable to a new generation. Something, which we discussed, would have gotten us picked on in grade school for liking, or worse yet, some people would have straight up kicked your ass for liking such things. I can imagine the rage that must come with that transition. But you know what, that's part of getting older, and living in this consumer society. It's not something that should be taken personally. Of course we hold personal ties to certain games or gaming in general. For someone like him and myself, we both came from broken homes, broke, bored, and sometimes games were all that we had. We found comfort in those things. But that's just what they are; things. Just like all the rest of the things. Everyone is entitled to their own "things" but when people start placing more importance on themselves or others because they have a certain interest, or pretend to, therein lies a problem.

"Let's do it 'cause it's cool!" This happens all the time. We would like to believe that people have wised up over the years and that mindless consumerism would be on a decline, but it's not. Nor is the shameless mass marketing of whatever medium or genre that you're trying to sell mass quantities of. Marketing and entertainment will continue to shove fake everything and false realities down your throat in the promotion of the idea that their product is something you need, something that will allow you to fit in with a chosen group. They will continue to bombard your senses with artificial (no question for interpretation) beauty, pseudo-celebrities. They will talk to you, they will pretend they're your friend, they will tell you what you need to consume next to be one of the cool kids. My boyfriend also added; "IF I HEAR ONE MORE GODDAMN THING ABOUT WHY I SHOULD LIKE FELICIA DAY I'M GOING TO BE SICK. THAT STUPID FUCKING CAMWHORE IS WHY WE HAVE SO MANY BRAINLESS BITCHES ON YOUTUBE AND TWICH.TV THESE DAYS." Just to put it out there, I don't like or hate her, I'm indifferent on the matter, but kudos to my man for being so vocal about his (unpopular <-interpretable) opinion. More people should think for themselves.

Now, myself, personally, I don't have a problem with gaming being as popular as it has become. Nor do I feel the need to defend myself if someone is buying some retro stuff 'cause it's the cool thing to do (mainly because I'm a hypocrite, pixel pusher). I actually think that retro gamers are some of the NICEST people you will EVER meet in your entire life. They are supportive, warm, and share in the love for gaming. But, I swear if anyone comes up to me talking like they're an old-school gamer and they're not, better believe I'm going to call you out on some bullshit. Not that I don't like you because I have a connection with gaming, but because you're simply not being honest. If you're not into gaming, that's cool too. Let's talk about anything; The weather, politics, life. Just be human, not a fucking tool.

Gamers are groups of groups, there's no culture, only a vast community. Remember that. If there were a "game culture", it probably belongs to the developers and I don't belong to that club.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Tattoo

Well, Escapist Expo is getting close and I'm a huge nerd, so...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

CGE Classic Gaming Expo 2012 and Video Game Pick ups

CGE is a retro gaming convention that was held in Las Vegas. Mel got to check it out and chill with some awesome people while promoting the series and selling pixel art. Good times were had by everyone. Who was there? Did we party hard enough? What video game treasures were found? Find out all this and more!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fall-O Me

gamer girl
Well, technically it's still summer, but there are a lot of exciting things going on! This weekend I will be heading out to Classic Gaming Expo in Las Vegas! There I will have my booth, Pixel Art Paradise, and my booth is also the designated meet up spot for a gathering of Youtube Gamer personalities on Saturday afternoon. Now, I don't know if it's just me, but it seems that the retro gaming crowd seems to be more personable and it's been really cool to see everyone get excited and involved over on the CGE facebook group. I'm uncontrollably excited to get to meet everyone and party/play lots of games. I leave here at like 6am, so I've gotta wear myself out today so I can get some rest before tomorrow.

Next convention on my tour of sorts is Escapist Expo September 14-16 in Durham North Carolina. Again I will have a booth and look forward to meeting awesome people and having an awesome good time.

Also in September 29-30 is Retro Gaming Expo in Portland Oregon. How well I do at CGE this weekend will determine whether or not I will be attending Retro Gaming Expo. I would love to, and also visit Ground Kontrol while I'm there.

While October is usually reserved for Devastation, there's no word on whether or not it's happening this year yet. They did really well last year and I would love to be part of the event again. Even if it's not happening, October is not entirely a loss, there's also the Extra Life Marathon for charity. More information on that when I return from my trip this weekend.

In other news, I figured out the program that I would use for chroma key and got my green screen and lights back from the studio so I'll be working on show stuff when I can find the time. It will probably be a different format than it's been. Not that anyone cares that I change the format, who watches this stuff anyways? LOL