Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Funky Monkeys

gamer girl
Yo! I submitted a game review to Phoenix Gamer. Check it out here. It's Super Monkey Ball Touch and Roll for the Nintendo DS.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guess the Video Game Music - Super Famicom Edition - HELL MODE

Let's have some fun! You can win real prizes from me including sweet pixel art and charms and other crafty things. Here are the rules; listen to the music and number 1-10 in your comment with your guesses as to which game each track is from. That part is easy. What's not going to be easy is figuring out where all these tracks are from. I will give you a hint though; half of them are from games that I've covered in Mel the Office Gamer Girl. The others are from better known, but still obscure, video games. First person to get them all right gets prizes. Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why, Hello there!

I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone that's been following my series and work. Thanks for watching, and thanks for your support! It means the world to me and you are all the awesome-est! I wish I could just give you all a big hug! Anyways, with that being said, no more episodes of Mel the Office Gamer Girl for a while as life, well, moves forward. There will be more! OH YES, there will be more, but fortunately, I've taken on big projects recently that will be taking up much of my time. Thank you again so much for everything! In what free time I have available, I will still be taking orders for pixel thingies, so feel free to throw me a message should the feel arise. Thank you, and you, and yes, even you! You're the best-est!

While there may not be any new episodes for a while, I have managed to upload some content that can be found at my Youtube channel and have a couple of local and not-so-local events coming up!  

Firstly, there's a video game night happening at this bar I work at on the 14th of this month. Those that follow me on facebook will get the info soon enough. The week after that I am hosting an art show at the same bar. 

In August I will be heading to Vegas for Classic Games Expo and then in September there's Escapist Expo. I will be at both, pixel art in hand, or perhaps on a table. I intend to also party a lot during these events as they're much more fun and exciting than this other stuff I have going on. If you care to join me, you know where I'll be. See you all soon!